I still remember the good ole days like it was yesterday(bc it practically was). When my favorite place in the world, the place I felt most at home,was the bar.
As party girls, we'd sleep all day and stay up all night. We'd make friends with all the bartenders and all the bouncers because who wants to wait in line or pay for drinks?
We'd see our club friends dancing by the DJ or yelling at the bar tender for another blue trashcan at Midtown. We'd hit up the after parties, chain smoking and watching the sun come up at 10th Ave on folly Beach or over the lined brownstones on the roof of some one hundred year old frat house on Montagu street.
It was an exciting time: I was young, I was free; I was a party girl
And there wasn’t much responsibility, either. I felt like my drinking buddies and I would be together forever -- like this was a life I could go on living until the day I died, or my feet fell off from dancing.
But as most things go, eventually this life began to wear on me — I began to feel tired.
There comes a point when you start to feel like you've sat on one too many rooftops, puffed one too many Camel Crushes with one too many drugged-up friends and you realize this life is as shallow as the frat guys at Mynt on a Thursday night (are you catching all of my Charleston references? ). It soon becomes obvious this life has no real permanence, and these people are not real friends -- they're not in it for the long haul... just until the drugs are gone, and the music is turned off
It stops being fun and starts being laborious.
Going out is no longer something you look forward to, but something you dread. The music isn’t pumping; it hurt your ears. The place isn't hopping; it’s f*cking crowded.
Once the party is over in your party-girl soul, it's over forever. You want something more tangible -- a family -- something to be proud of. Something to cherish. You're ready for the next chapter
so what happens to party girls once the party is done? Well believe it or not a lot of ex party girls( including myself) make amazing moms--life as a party girl tends to give you a pretty good sense of humor, a healthy tolerence for the absurd, and the capability of staying awake at all hours of the night. (Huge help when it came to my newborn).
Here are 5 quick examples of how the ex party girl makes a fantastic mother.
I could list 50 reasons that proove why party girls turn into the best mothers but I'm a mom and I definitely don't have time for all of that.
And so, after years of being the life of the party, you pull the plug taking all these party girl techniques with you — hang up your knock-off Hervé dress and put your beer bong in the back of your closet. You change your life, grow up and become (well in my case ) a mother.